A good healthy breakfast can help us stay energized and focused, and curb those urges to snack or overeat later in the day. But in our rushed lives, it’s easy to rush past breakfast. Fortunately, there are ways to start a busy day off right, even for those with time constraints. Just think outside the cereal box!

Here are some healthy breakfast ideas to consider:

  • Start with light foods if you have very little appetite in the morning. Apple slices dipped in peanut butter can be a good option. Add other foods gradually to build your appetite.
  • Indulge in non-traditional foods, such as leftover vegetarian pizza. The protein in the cheese can help prevent those sharp peaks in blood sugar levels that make you crave a sugary snack later in the morning.
  • Keep Ensure® on hand to help optimize the nutrition in your morning meal. For example, you can whizz it into your fruit smoothie for added calcium and protein for a healthy breakfast smoothie. You barely have time to gulp down a cup of coffee before heading out the door? No problem! Replace your usual milk with a splash of Ensure® to provide extra nutrients with your caffeine hit.

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Nutritious breakfasts

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* From a survey of 1,038 independent-living adults aged 50+ who added 1 serving of Ensure® Protein Max 30 g per day for at least 5 days over a 2-week period, compared to control group (p<0.0001).

Canadian formulation is similar to the one used in the survey. Applies to Chocolate and Vanilla flavours.

† Compared to one serving (235 mL) of Ensure® Regular.
‡ Per 330-mL serving.

§ Brand of oral nutritional supplements.

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